Pen Aviation is focused and committed in delivering the following 6 pillars of specialist services within the product matrix of fixed-wing, rotor-wing, amphibious aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Consulting & Project
Management Services
With a proven track record of managing small to large scale aviation projects, you can rely on Pen Aviation’s experiences in executing your very own aviation project.

Aircraft Sales and
At Pen Aviation, we assist both corporations as well as individuals in maximizing value and minimizing risks within the purchasing process of either new or pre-owned aircraft.

Leverage on our knowledge of the industry to charter the most suitable aircraft at the best value while ensuring safety and compliance requirements are met by the operator.

Capitalize on Pen Aviation’s network hub in making well informed decisions on investment opportunities, and ultimately enjoy the fruits of your investment.

Business Development for Aircraft Management
Employ Pen Aviation’s expertise in guiding you on the planning and execution processes for the optimum and safe utilization, operations and management of your aircraft.

Whichever your industrial sector is, leverage on our UAV platforms and sensors expertise to further reduce your costs and minimize time-to-data.